The Goldens

New Energy Paradigm
The Goldens (Other Centered)

Human and personal interaction is very important.

These are the empathic, sensitive children.

They are highly telepathic and tend to know what is going on with every person in the room.

Goldens are the nurturers on the planet. They want to please you and make sure that you are okay. They are the pillow fluffers.

They may over extend themselves trying to help and do for others. Watch their health.

They may be over emotional at times, and can get over stimulated easily. They may need quiet time alone to regroup.

They may get resentful about being around too many Indigos at the same time, and trying to please them all.

Goldens need to feel apprecialted for all their gifts.

Goldens may have a hard time speaking up and telling you what they want and need.

Goldens often see the world in shades of gray, not in black and white.

It's important for Goldens to have an outlet to discuss their feelings, otherwise they may feel overwhelmed.

Goldens make decisions based on feelings, over rational thought.

They may worry about what other people think of them.

Goldens make exceptional leaders when they are balanced.
The Indigos       The Goldens       The Crystallines