Welcome To NEP Coach
New Energy Paradigm
Welcome to the New Energy Paradigm. It's around us everywhere. In preparation for the 2012 planet alignment, our Earth is being infused with faster, lighter and more loving frequencies. As we learn to adjust to these new frequencies, there is one thing that we can be certain of and that is CHANGE. Letting go for most of us is not always a natural or easy adjustment to make, especially if we don't know where we are going or how we are going to get there.

One thing is certain. The old energy won't work in the new energy. Just look around and you'll see and feel the chaos everywhere. This in and of itself isn't a bad thing. The old energy needs to make room for the new energy. Working with a NEP New Energy Coach will provide you with the tools and support to make this transition with greater ease and grace. Sessions are co-creative in nature. Both you and your coach are seeking a peace filled life; a life of balance, joy and greater love.

2012 planet alignment 2012 gatekeepers 2012 planet alignment 2012 gatekeepers 2012 planet alignment 2012 gatekeepers 2012 planet alignment 2012 gatekeepers
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