New Energy Paradigm
The earth is currently going through a major dimensional shift in consciousness.  Approximately 10% of the earth's population is aware of the changes going on in our planet today. 

For years the awakened population has been called "Lightworkers."  Lightworkers are souls who have incarnated on the planet in service to humanity.  They have brought their knowledge, wisdom and love for humankind onto this planet with them to help others evolve, awaken, and transition through the massive changes that earth is currently going through. 

The old systems aligned with illusion, fear and duality can no longer tolerate the newer higher frequencies arriving on our planet today.  Just look at the changes, and in some cases collapse of the older paradigms occurring now as relates to world religions, the economy, and politics just to name a few. 

As the struggle between the old duality of dark and light continues many of us have felt an intensification on both the inner and outer plane of our own existence taking place.  We are being forced to LET GO, so that we can make room for the newer lightened higher frequencies to fuel us with the light and grace that we need to make these vibrational shifts.  

For support through this process band together.  Find your spiritual commmrades who understand your process and are willing to share theirs. 

For a personalized NEP consultation contact NEP Coach.
The New Energy Paradigm relates to an understanding and alignment with unity consciousness.  Unity consciousness promotes the sacred understanding that we are all interconnected.  An understanding that what I do to you, I do to myself.  And understanding that war to another is war upon myself.  An understanding that the love I extend to you, is returned to me, always.  The new energy arriving on the planet today supports and embraces unity consciousness.