The Crystallines

New Energy Paradigm
The Crystallines
(I Centered & Other Centered in balance)

Have eyes of crystal blue or very deep dark color. They will look at us as if we have known them forever – we have!

Have great sensitivity to the environment, the planet and the feelings of others.

Are extremely intuitive.

Are generally telepathic.

Are socially conscious.

Have an innate command of subtle energy.

Think compartmentally.

Appear very scattered in their attention.

Are extremely compassionate.

Cannot abide conflict of any kind – they take it personally.

Are wise beyond their years.

Are peacemakers.

Have natural healing abilities.

Were born between 1997 and present (some are a bit older).

Are extremely fragile – often become sick with unidentifiable illnesses.

Have sweeping energy fields of deep jewel tones or light pastel spectrums.

Often remember past lives or their experiences between lives.

See and often interact with etheric beings such as angles, masters, ET's etc.

Will often talk to "visitors" and invisible friends on a very personable level.

The Indigos       The Goldens       The Crystallines

See and often interact with etheric beings such as angles, masters, ET's etc.

Will often talk to "visitors" and invisible friends on a very personable level.

Some are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or autism.

Have awareness of their life purpose.

Are extremely generous.

Are aware of interactive dynamics between people.

Have ability to ferret out the truth effortlessly.

Need time alone to regenerate or shake off energies of their day.

Are deeply vulnerable yet powerful.

Cannot grasp the human ability to be inhumane to others.

Have a deep love for life, other people, and animals.

Need to experience nature on a regular basis.

Love to play or sit in water.

"Magic" happens when around them – people become well, money appears, and things change for the better.

Feel responsible for outside events or the actions of others.

Are people magnets – others are attracted to them naturally.

Electronics are often affected by their presence.

Some are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, or autism.